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The Big House Cancelled
by Ron Rego
November 19, 2020
Nintendo once again put a stop to Melee. This company has in the past put haults to a Melee events and this years Big House was no exception. nintendo has no desire to support Melee even though it is still one of the most played in tournaments even after 19 years in circulation. The issue they have with it now is the mod Slippi. A third party that makes it easy to run tournaments online. That brings us to The Big House which was going to run Ultimate and Melee online this year due to covid-19. That all ended when Nintendo put a cease and desist on the use of Slippi. That meant no Melee tournament for The Big House, which is Melee driven. They decided to cancel the entire event incuding Ultimate. One of the most notible cease and desist orders was on the makers of Project M, a mod of Melee using Smash Bros Brawl as the character base. We now have to guess they will stop all of these big Melee events that are run throughout the world using Slippi, which may make it very difficult for Melee players to play their favorite game. Even if Nintendo has no desire to make these mods for their own game to make hundred of thousands of fans around the workd happy. Should they care more about their fans?
Call of Duty Delay?
by Ron Rego
We are all wondering what will happen with Call of Duty this year. We have not heard any release date and with the problems that Sledgehammer had which caused them to pull the plug on what they were working on, Activision decided to have Treyarch release Nlack Ops a year early. The problem is, will it even be ready? Bringing in a game a year early in the middle of a pandemic as well, could be a tall task for Treyarch to be ready. Would it be wiser for Activision just get more content for Modern Warfare and wait until next year to release Black Ops: Cold War during its' normal release. Infinity Ward should be able to to keep it going and create some new content to make money off what seems to be the best Call of Duty game in years, if not ever. Add some side missions to the story mode, map packs for multiplayer as well as Warzone. Those $20 cosmetic packs are selling enough to make a bundle of money, so it seems as if that would work. Not to mention I am not looking forward to changing to another CoD any time soon. I do not see myself buying Black Ops. Mostly in fear that it will be quite bad and unfinished. As for Sledgehammer, their project being scrapped could seriously put their future with Activision in jeopardy.